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Wile Out: Gallery Exhibition

by Namiwa Change Formation

23 January - 24 February 





N A M I W A  C H A N G E  F O R M A T I O N  W I L E O U T: 

G A L L E R Y  E X H I B I T I O N

Namiwa Change Formation supports and encourages the personal and professional development of individuals in our communities. NCF works mainly with women and girls from Black, Asian & Ethnic Minority (in the context of the UK) groups offering a person, and community centred approach to making new work. NCF is a springboard for alternative representations of self through community support and programming. Namiwa Change Formation is actively working in the community through tailored projects empowering people and spaces through the arts. NCF is fluid in structure and is very much shaped by its own community; it’s a living organism fuelled by LOVE! NCF works holistically educating and informing the importance and value of health, the environment and the arts.


This exhibition reflects upon on 'Wile Out' - A series of four events throughout 2017. Wile Out is a discussion fuelled night of performances, short films, live art. Wile Out is more than your average open mic night, it’s a platform for creative representation and reflection. Each Wile Out event is a creative verbaliser for women and girls in Birmingham, our network is home to radical, subversive, free-thinking individuals that become a catalyst for creativity and challenge the accepted notions of what art is and or can do.


'Wile Out' has been a huge success and we want to celebrate and document the movement. This exhibition will showcase artwork created at each Wile Out event by our live artist Tasia, as well as images documenting our headline artist such as Bridget Minamore and TrueMendous, our regular crowd and all the newcomers. Throughout the duration of the exhibition we will welcome the local and extended community into the Wile Out and NCF family.

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