This home-grown documentary takes 1918 as its point of departure, the momentous year women in the UK won the right to vote.
Inspired by the Suffragettes, the Empowering Women Documentary explores the experiences of female activists and politicians active in Birmingham today, as well as looking at the history of the suffrage campaign in the city. The documentary seeks to discover what barriers women from minority groups, such as minority ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities, face when engaging with politics and what can be done to improve political representation for these groups.
With a focus on young women between 16-30 in the Hall Green constituency, the project used skills-based sessions, discussion groups, archiving and filmmaking as alternative modes of knowledge production to give courage and strength to young women, inspiring them to become politically active in their communities. Funded by the Women’s Vote Centenary Grant Scheme, the documentary develops a local understanding of how politics shapes the lives of its subjects with examples of active feminism both in the past and today.
The Empowering Women Documentary was directed, edited and camera-operated by Sarah Thölin-Chittenden. On the night she will introduce the context to the film and be around for a Q&A.
About the director: Sarah Thölin-Chittenden studied film making in Birmingham and has made a number of documentaries about social issues, including a gardening oral history project. She is half Swedish/ half English and has lived in Birmingham for 3 and a half years.
Dir: Sarah Thölin-Chittenden, 2019, UK.
Doors at 7pm.
Screening and talk to start at 7:30
Food will be available on the night provided by the Real Junk Food Project on a PAYF basis.
FREE ENTRY, but all loving donations for Classless Society Cinema will go to ACORN Renters Union.
Facebook Event:
Film Screening
Ashiana Community Project and Classless Society Presents: Empowering Women Documentary + Q&A
Thursday 31 March, 7 - 9:30pm