Pro-Choice Art, Banner & Placard Making
14 May, 12 - 5pm
Join us in making artwork, placards and banners to demand and celebrate womens' right to choose what they do with their bodies!
On Saturday 20th May, Birmingham City Centre will see the largest anti-abortion event in the UK take over Victoria Square. Life-Fest is a ticketed “family” event involving a stage, speeches, musicians and private security. It is a loud and unashamed show of strength by the anti-abortion group March for Life, calling for full criminalization of abortion.
A counter demonstration has been organised to take place at the same place and time to show that, as feminists, we will not tolerate these sexist and right-wing views in our city or anywhere else.
A group of local young feminists have gotten together to organise this open session where we will be making banners and art to be taken to the counter demonstration. The aim is to make our presence and message as powerful, bold and informative as possible to those attending Life-Fest and members of the public passing by. We need your solidarity and creativity to help make this happen!
We will be providing some materials (fabric, paint, etc) but please do bring along anything you have that may be useful. We will also prepare some slogans, imagery and stats for inspiration, but again please do bring along your own ideas if you have them.
- Feel free to drop in at anytime!
- Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.
- Children are most welcome!
For further info on the counter demonstration see:
Women Against Trumpism -
Stand Up For Choice -
Sign the petition to demand that Birmingham City Council cancel the anti-abortion event from taking place in Victoria Square:¬if_id=1493070417308117