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Kids and Family Summer Workshops
Tuesdays and Saturdays in July and August
Affordable food and refreshments available at The Mix Café
No Booking Requred. FREE
Saturday 27th July, 11- 1pm
Lampshade Collaging with Ella
Cover The Mix café's paper lampshades with colourful tissue paper to add an extra burst of colour to your local community café.
Tuesday 30th July, 11- 1pm
Storytelling with Arron
Family-friendly stories about migration read out-loud and dramatised!
Saturday 3rd August, 11- 2pm
Planting with Mikeala
Plant your own bulbs and nurutre nature in this planting workshop
Tuesday 6th August, 11- 1pm
Collaging with Haseebah
Using magazines and newsprint let your imagination run wild. Cut, glue and stick from these pages to create something you never thought of before the possibilities are endless.
Saturday 10th August, 11- 2pm
Make your own bird feeder with Mikeala
Use simple techniques to make your own bird feeder and give the birds a wholesome meal
Tuesday 13th August, 11- 1pm
Paper Marbling with Haseebah
Marbling done easy with inks and shaving cream. This session will teach you how to create some colourful wavy art, once the ink us dry you can keep it as it is, draw on top or even cut out to make some colourful print shapes.
Saturday 17th August, 11- 2pm
Nature-themed arts & crafts with Mikeala
Various and & crafts activities inspired by nature
Tuesday 20th August, 11- 1pm
Art & Storytelling with Haseebah
This session will be using your words and art together. Picking out small sentences from each box, you’ll combine these all to make a whole new story and then use colouring pencils and pens to draw this out. Each story will be different from everyone else’s!
Saturday 24th August, 11- 1pm
Make Sun Catchers with Ella
Use drawings and paints to create your own sun-catching images that you can stick to your bedroom windows! Bring your own simple image or create your own!
Tuesday 27th August, 11- 1pm
Painting with leaves with Haseebah
Painting with a twist. You’ll be using leaves to help you paint your work, either using it as a tool to apply paint or even printing the image onto paper. Create your own masterpiece using nature.
Saturday 31st August, 11- 1pm
Origami Fun with Ceri
Using simple techniques this workshop will help you make beautiful and interesting objects from paper.
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