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Suspect Objects Suspect Subjects

Exhibition by Faisal Hussain

18th March - 28th March 2020


This is a collection of works which question, highlight and respond to the victimising of Muslim communities in Birmingham, the UK and around the world.

In a time of increased societal racism; xenophobia against migrants, attacks against Muslim people and stereotyping of those who simply appear Muslim, these views are freely expressed through media misrepresentation, hate-filled terminology, exploitative political strategies and sensationalist headlines.


Working within this context the Birmingham based artist Faisal Hassain addresses themes of suspicion and surveillance brought about by government policies to demonstrate the management of particular identities and the effects these practices can have on individual’s sense of belonging and mental health. His art reflects on fear and racism as contemporary social factors, political currency and cultural memes.


It is at this juncture where Faisal’s works overlaps with the work at BCU’s Criminology Department that has engaged with anti-terrorism legislation, the Prevent Duty, surveillance and Islamophobia. At an event evening in the GAP we present how art and academia can further proactive dialogue around provocative subjects.

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